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.com £8.57 /yr £8.57
.net £7.78 /yr £7.78
.org £10.91 /yr £10.91
.biz £10.13 /yr £10.13
.info £13.26 /yr £13.26

Full domain pricing → * Promotional pricing applies to the 1st year only

  • 24/7 Support
  • FREE DNS Hosting
  • FREE URL Forwarding
  • FREE Email Forwarding

Additional Features

Every hosting plan comes with these premium features, plus many more.


Lightning Fast Website

Experience a lightning-fast website with our optimized hosting. Enjoy rapid loading times, seamless performance, and a superior user experience for your online presence.


Email included

Get a complete online package with our service—website hosting with inclusive email solutions. Enjoy the convenience of a seamless website and professional email communication all in one.


cPanel for Management

Simplify website management with cPanel, your user-friendly control panel. Enjoy easy navigation, powerful tools, and efficient control over your hosting environment for a seamless website management experience.


Fully managed servers

Experience hassle-free hosting with our fully managed servers. Enjoy peace of mind as we handle server maintenance, updates, and security, allowing you to focus on your core business.


Quick Setup

Effortlessly launch with our quick setup. Our streamlined process ensures a swift and hassle-free start, allowing you to establish your online presence promptly with ease and efficiency.


1-click Application installer

Simplify app deployment with our 1-click installer. Quickly install and set up applications, saving time and effort. Enjoy seamless integration and get your website up and running effortlessly.

Ready to Get Started?

Contact one of our technical experts now. Our team is available chat and is ready to answer any questions you may have.

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Our Customers Say

If you are not happy with our services for whatever no reason, we’ll refund your payment.payment. No hassle, Web hosting is a service that allows

We have used CodeGuard at TeamBuildr for a few years now and it is easily one of our greatest assets. Always backed up and easy recovery.

James Peters


I love CodeGuard! They make backing up, tracking changes, and rolling back to a previous backup SUPER simple. Easy to use and friendly.

Danielle Hickinbotham


We're backing up all of our clients on CodeGuard! Hopefully we'll never need it, but when the time comes, it should be easy to save the day.

Toolbox No. 9


Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQ for quick answers to commonly asked questions about our products and services.

  • What is website hosting?

    Website hosting is a service that provides storage space and infrastructure for individuals and organizations to make their websites accessible on the internet. Hosting ensures websites are available and functional.

  • What types of website hosting are available?

    Common types of website hosting include Shared Hosting, Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, Cloud Hosting, and Managed WordPress Hosting. Each serves different needs in terms of performance and control.

  • What is shared hosting?

    Shared hosting is a type of web hosting where multiple websites share resources on a single server. It's cost-effective but may have limitations on performance and customization due to shared resources.

  • What is Reseller hosting?

    Reseller hosting involves purchasing hosting resources in bulk and reselling them to clients. Resellers act as intermediaries, managing and providing hosting services to multiple individual clients. It allows entrepreneurs to start their hosting business without managing the infrastructure directly.

  • What is VPS hosting?

    VPS hosting, or Virtual Private Server hosting, involves dividing a physical server into virtual compartments, providing dedicated resources to each user. It offers more control, flexibility, and customization than shared hosting, making it suitable for websites with moderate to high traffic or specific technical requirements.

  • What is dedicated hosting?

    Dedicated hosting involves having an entire physical server exclusively for one user or organization. This type of hosting provides maximum control, customization, and performance, making it ideal for high-traffic websites or specific applications.

  • What is cloud hosting?

    Cloud hosting utilizes a network of interconnected virtual and physical servers to host websites. It offers scalability, flexibility, and reliability as resources can be dynamically allocated, ensuring optimal performance and uptime.

  • What is managed hosting?

    Managed hosting is a service where the hosting provider takes care of server maintenance tasks, security, updates, and technical support. This allows clients to focus on their websites or applications without the need for in-depth server management, making it convenient and hassle-free.

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